Who We Are – The Regal Swan

In 1999, six researchers, known as The Regal Swan® Project, began studying and documenting the care of swans in captive settings such as hotels, resorts, golf courses and other related sites. During the course of their investigation, the researchers learned that Dr. Wade G. Gardner, a Lakeland, Florida veterinarian, had pioneered the use of a vaccine to mitigate swan deaths due to botulism. Pfizer Animal Health and the researchers conducted titre testing which showed a sustained level of antibody response to the vaccine by the swans.

Furthermore, DNA Sequencing was undertaken and concluded that a protozoan which causes eye cysts in humans was of the same genetic makeup that causes eye cysts in swans. Incorporating under The Regal Swan® Inc., further research is being conducted as well as the development of an international science and reading curriculum. This curriculum is geared toward all ages from pre-K thru Adult to enhance the knowledge base of the sciences as well as the care of captive swans by the general public.

The Regal Swan® Inc


Research Team, Left to right: Shirley A. Bolin, photographer; Dr. Christopher W. Brown, Sheila A. Bolin, Orange Lake’s swan keeper; Dr. Geoffrey R. Gardner; Dr. Fanchon F. Funk and Rebecca Webb Wilson, photographer