Cygnet Accidental Fledge

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    Hi Regal Swan, We have a 13.5 week old cygnet that fell from our pond through a waterfall to the channel. The cygnet is swimming near the bottom of the fall and in the nearby channel reed area. If I catch the cygnet, can I put it back in our pond or will the adults reject it. It fell at 7:00 PM. Sunday night.

    By the way, there is a pair of swans in the channel the have 7 week old cygnets.

    Thank you for your help.

    Swan Expert

    Hi Anita

    We would suggest you capture the cygnet and return it to the parents and his siblings. At 13.5 weeks of age, the parents have sufficiently bonded and should take him back. Just watch for any aggressive behavior which may require quick intervention on your part.

    You do not want him to go near the other family as the adult birds will not accept him and will beat or chase. This will cause the cygnet stress possibly resulting in injury, dehydration, or starvation. The Regal Swan


    Hi Regal Swan, I wanted to update you on this situation. I was mistaken when I said the cygnet was 13.5 week. He is 14.5 weeks.

    I was able to catch him from channel and return him to the pond with the swan family. The time he was missing from the pond was about 24 hours.

    The adult female immediately started pursuing the cygnet. The male and female continue to do so and the other cygnets do as well. He has been able to keep out of their reach. And mine, too. I have been trying to recapture him since Tuesday morning but have not been successful. I have called in for assistance.

    Will let you know what happens.

    Swan Expert

    Hi Anita

    Yes, apparently the family is not going to take him back so he will need to be placed in a safe secure home free from predators. Thanks for the update. The Regal Swan

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