Cygnet mortality

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  • #24096
    Randall Sprague

    Our pair of trumpeters just recently hatched 5 seemingly healthy cygnets on June 8th. In the last few days we have lost 3 of them and are not sure why. They all seem healthy one day, then act very weak the next and die within 24 hrs. We have been feeding non medicated game starter with cracked corn and also giving them fresh spinach thrown into the pond. They eagerly go after the fresh spinach. This is the first time we have lost any new swans and are very frustrated as to why. Any ideas?

    Swan Expert

    Hi Randall

    There could be any number of reasons, but if they are healthy one day and weak the next, it may be some type of toxin in the water due to run-off, algae bloom or something they are ingesting. Another prime suspect would be an infection such as fungal (aspergilliosis), bacterial or viral. Additionnally, if the cygnets are not getting proper nutrients, i.e., vitamins and minerals, they could develop neurological issues which would manifest in weakness. Again, there could be any number of causes. We would suggest in the future to use poultry layer pellets or poultry layer mash mixed with the cracked corn to eliminate any mineral or vitamin deficiency. We hope that this information is of benefit. The Regal Swan

    Chris Fritzen

    You say you used “medicated” feed. Everything I have read says to use “nonmedicated” starter at 19%. Mix water to make a mash for about a month. Then switch to the same mixture you use for your adult swans. Keeping them on starter for too long could make them grow too fast creating leg issues. They will be so heavy so quickly their legs can’t keep up. I agreee as well with the regal swan reply as well. I expect about a 10% mortality rate when raising my swans. Hope this helps:)

    Chris Fritzen

    Oops! my bad! I didn’t read close enough to see you did feed them non medicated starter.

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