Swan safety

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  • #154444
    Roger. Connolly

    This week has seen continuous thunderstorms in the Surrey area. The river why broke its banks and a swans nest with 5 eggs was destroyed. Close by the river is a golf course with 6 or more large lakes. Is there a proven method of building a nesting pontoon in the lake for the swans to nest safely. I understand that nesting material could be placed close by for the swans to build the nest. Foxes do not swim and other predators would be reluctant to swim the distance. Please can you provide a paper on how to ensure he swans safety in this situation and their future offspring

    Golfer and swan lover

    Swan Expert

    Hi Roger

    Yes, floating nesting platforms have been used for swans, but this is an individual attribute as to whether the swans will use a floating nesting platform in a wild setting if they are more comfortable or familiar with nesting on the banks or in grasses of a waterway. Since each habitat has its own unique qualities as to what may safely work (i.e., current speed, tethering requirements, etc., we would recommend you contact Wendy Hermon, Coordinator, Swan Support in Datchet. Wendy knows the various areas and the materials that may be applicable to your situation. We hope this information is of benefit. The Regal Swan

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