Follow Up Injured Mute Swan

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 months ago by .
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  • #23532 Reply
    Anita Lago

    Hi Regal Swan, a follow up question to the Mute Swan with flight injuries. I am trying to get him assistance. One person told me he has to eat. Since he is not putting his head in the water, he is not eating. However, if I give him duck feed and cracked corn, which he has eaten in the past, should I give him that in the interim?

    Please let me know/ I am trying to work as quickly as possible to get him help and do not want to do him harm by giving him that food.

    #23743 Reply
    Anita Lago

    Please disregard this follow up. I have already received information from local experts. Thank you very much.

    #24011 Reply
    Swan Expert

    Hi Anita

    Glad you were able to get some local help. He is fine being fed poultry layer pellets and cracked corn in a feeding bowl near water. He has to have water to eat or he can choke. If he eats the food and then drinks water (i.e., in a bowl nearby) without putting his head under water, that is fine. However, if he is not eating, this could be a sign of problems such as internal which lead to more serious issues. He may be eating some and you do not know it because you can’t watch him every second. However, if he is truly not getting any sustenance, he may need to be tube fed by a licensed rehabber/veterinarian to get his appetite jumpstarted and provide him with some nutrients/energy. The Regal Swan

    #40387 Reply

    Regal Swan, I wanted to update you on the condition of this swan. The first two weeks were slow going. We did not intervene but I watched him every day for a number of hours. He continued to drink water, and small slurping of duckweed. I also gave him the cracked corn and duck feed. After about two weeks he submerged his head and was eating sub-aquatic vegetation. His appetite is back to normal.

    His bruised knob and bill scabbed. The scabs eventually fell off and he had no black on his face. It was pale orange. His that area looks to be regenerating and healing. The mask is returning and the knob is going from orange to black.

    His behavior went from isolated and sleeping to slowly start staying with the family. After about a week, he was with them all the time. And then resuming to normal behaviors of protector and communicating with female and cygnets.

    His eye has healed as well. At first it as closed but has since opened and his vision, as far as I can tell from. my observations, are normal.

    I do not know if there are any long term injuries that I cannot see. I don’t know if there was any damage done internally to his head. I am still keeping a close eye.

    He is molting at the moment so using a lot of his energy towards that and seems to be doing very well. I am not sure how it will go if an interloper swan flies in the area to settle in.

    He is still not at 100% in my opinion but in a few more weeks should be ready to fledge the cygnets.

    Thank you for your help, always.

    #40424 Reply
    Swan Expert

    Hi Anita

    You are very welcome. Glad to know he is on the mend and being carefully monitored by you. Thank you for you care! The Regal Swan

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