Swan Expert

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  • in reply to: Follow Up Injured Mute Swan #24011
    Swan Expert

    Hi Anita

    Glad you were able to get some local help. He is fine being fed poultry layer pellets and cracked corn in a feeding bowl near water. He has to have water to eat or he can choke. If he eats the food and then drinks water (i.e., in a bowl nearby) without putting his head under water, that is fine. However, if he is not eating, this could be a sign of problems such as internal which lead to more serious issues. He may be eating some and you do not know it because you can’t watch him every second. However, if he is truly not getting any sustenance, he may need to be tube fed by a licensed rehabber/veterinarian to get his appetite jumpstarted and provide him with some nutrients/energy. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Timing to Return Male Mute Swan to Ponds #24009
    Swan Expert

    Hi Anita

    Just ensure that he is not getting into any additional fights until he heals properly. If he gets beat up again, he could lose the eye or even his life. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Timing to Return Male Mute Swan to Ponds #23514
    Swan Expert

    Hi Anita

    He needs to be seen by a licensed veterinarian with bird/waterfowl experience. He basically has a bloodied nose and severe beating (think of boxer). He needs some pain meds, feeding and rest. Do not let the veterinarian try to convince you he needs to be euthanized. He Does Not, just some pain meds and rest. If you can’t find a veterinarian, try to find a wildlife rehabber with a no kill facility. Do not return him to the family until he has healed which may take 1-2 weeks. Adults can be released at anytime and will be fine. If you release him too early and he is not healed and gets attacked again, he may not survive. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Breeding #22365
    Swan Expert

    Hi Lisa

    Yes, swan parents know when the eggs are viable. Incubation begins after the last egg is laid. So, a human count of when incubation begins is usually not accurate.

    Because of the severe weather late into the breeding season this year, we are seeing many late hatchings. So, this late nesting should not be of major concern and the eggs should not be disturbed.

    The swans will leave the nest once the probability of viability ceases. Nature will not allow oversitting on eggs that have no chance of hatching due to the safety of the parents (i.e., predators).

    Yes, female swans do reach an age when they no longer produce eggs. Birds are programmed with the exact number of eggs produced throughout their lifetime as well as the number they produce each breeding season.

    Additionally, the younger the female swan is when she first produces eggs, the sooner she stops producing eggs later in life. Conversely, the older the swan is when first producing eggs, the later in life she will produce. This is all about hormones. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Rotation Display #22364
    Swan Expert

    Hi Annie

    Your observation was probably two male swans drawing a line in the water for territory. If one swan crosses the line, there will be a fight until the alpa male will strike at the intruder and chase the interloper from his territory. This behavior can be observed throughout the year, but is more prevalent during breeding/nesting/hatching season. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Injured Cygnet, Reintegration with Family #22333
    Swan Expert

    Hi Anita

    The wound looks like a turtle or similar bite. The cygnet needs to be immediately taken to an experienced avian veterinarian for examination and treatment. The cygnet will probably need surgery to clean the wound. The young bird will definitely need a series of antibiotic treatments.

    This treatment will take approximately 2-3 weeks as the cygnet’s blood will need to be tested to ensure that the correct antibiotic is being used and the infection is completely gone. This time period will make it impossible to return the cygnet to its parents. If cygnets are not returned within 2-8 hours, ( we have seen a family of cygnets returned after 24 hours accepted, but very rare), the parents will abandon the cygnets or may seriously injure them. Therefore, if the cygnet survives treatment, you will need to find the cygnet a safe new home such as a waterfowl or wildlife sanctuary. The young bird can never be returned to the wild. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Invasive Species #19653
    Swan Expert

    Hi Vanessa:

    We are one of the main groups trying to keep the New York DEC from killing Mute Swans. Mute Swans are not and never have been an “invasive species”, but rather labeled such so that the public would go along with the killing program designated by wildlife officials and hunting groups. Fact: There never has been an environmental impact assessment or a collaborative systemic count of Mute Swans in the U.S. (this statement was provided by federal and state wildlife officials at the 2014 International Swan Symposium). FACT: A federal court ruled in 2004 that a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) study must be conducted prior to the killing of any Mute Swan in the U.S. FACT: In 2017, a non-partisan study conducted by Hudsonia, LLC, an environmental organization used by the NY DEC in many environmental studies, found that Mute Swans were not an “invasive species”, detrimental to the habitat or any more aggressive than any other species. FACT: The negative misrepresentation of Mute Swans by NY DEC and other federal/state wildlife officials could not be substantiated.

    Federal wildlife officials and hunting groups (Audubon (yes the executive director of Audubon stated in a Wall Street Journal Article that Audubon was becoming more of a hunting and trapping organization), Sierra Club, Ducks Unlimited enacted a counter suit to the 2004 court to remove the Mute Swans from protection with the new tactic of stating that Mute Swans were not native. The court ruled that the Mute Swan was a swan under the constraints for the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and with the US Wildlife Services admittance that Mute Swans were migratory, the Mute Swans were to be protected.

    Maryland began killing the Mute Swans (“under the radar from the public, media and politicians with no NEPA study as directed by the court—statement made by Maryland DNR officials at the 2014 International Swan Symposium). Yet, these Maryland officials proceeded to kill the Mute Swans in Chesapeake Bay based upon no scientific justification. No reliable valid research study was every conducted, but a group of wildlife officials, state and federally paid biologists began the systematic anecdotal misrepresentation of Mute Swans as being Non-native (there are actual Mute Swan like fossils found throughout North America), that they were invasive (no NEPA or any other environmental impact assessment was ever conducted to establish this fact, only anecdotal misrepresentation by state and federal wildlife officials. This began the killing of the Mute Swans across the U.S.

    Then, in 2004, a group of unscrupulous legislators illegally passed a bill under an Omnibus Appropriations Bill on the last day of Congress that supposedly reformed the MBTA (The Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act of 2004). Immediately upon signage of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill, US Wildlife Officials immediately released a public notice in the Wildlife Register that Mute Swans and 836 other Bird Species could be removed from the MBTA. The problem with this Reform Act was that it was illegally passed outside the legal scope of how a Treaty is to be modified and President Bush never ratified the Act nor other member countries of the Treaty. Bottom line, the MBTA Reform Act of 2004 does not exist because it was never ratified and is basically a moot point.

    However, from 2004 until the present, the MBTA is being violated by the killing of Mute Swans and removal of 836 other bird species. The Obama Administration and many other public officials were notified of this fact and they continued violating the Treaty with a “yes we know”. Not one animal advocacy group other than The Regal Swan Foundation, brought this information to the public and politicians and not one other than The Regal Swan Foundation, has been willing to state that this is an international violation of a Treaty.

    This taxpayer based hoax began approximately 20+ years ago when unscrupulous wildlife officials and hunting groups began the meticulous and collaborative efforts to remove Mute Swans from their habitats. The reason: to introduce the larger Trumpeter Swans so that this larger species could be used for Trophy Waterfowl hunting. Trophy Waterfowl hunting permits are more expensive than regular waterfowl hunting permits (i.e., ducks) and are being used to maintain and enhance hunting populations which are rapidly declining. This decline has caused wildlife budgets to drop dramatically and there has been a concerted effort on federal and state wildlife officials to enhance and maintain hunting opportunities to maintain status quo wildlife budgets. The problem with this strategy is that less than 7% of the population hunt and taxpayers are ultimately paying for these programs. Even though wildlife officials state that hunters and gun sales pay for these programs, current studies show that actual funding comes from taxpayers and excise taxes on boats. Another reason to remove swans is so that waterways can open for skiing, jet-skiing, boating etc.

    The US Wildlife Service has stated that less than 7% of the population hunts, $65 billion dollars are generated from hunting activities while $550 billion dollars are generated from non-hunting activities such as kayaking, photography, feeding and observing wildlife. Clearly, you can make more money off a live animal from many people to fund and enjoy than to kill one animal and lose the potential for future monetary gain. The use of wildlife as a commodity to kill rather than save and have many people fund is a strategy that wildlife officials are not smart enough to realize.

    As far as Black Terns, there has never been a reliable valid scientific study showing that Mute Swans were responsible for any detrimental influence. FACT: The NY DEC in their Mute Swan killing program, admitted that they saw no detrimental effect on Black Terns by Mute Swans. In the late 90’s, Maryland biologists used anecdotal information to blame Mute Swans regarding Black Terns, but again no reliable valid scientific study was ever conducted and in 2016, wildlife and other officials stated that the loss of subaquatic vegetation (SAV) was directly impacted by leaking septic tanks, run-off pollution from animal waste farms and other run-off (a fact that was known in 2000 while the Mute Swan killings were continuing based upon the misrepresentation that they were responsible for SAV loss). This loss of SAV habitat was directly attributed to Black Tern issues.

    The Invasive Species of Act of 1992 was based upon the premise of preventing aquatic species from being introduced into the ballasts of ships into U.S. waters. The major species that was to be prevented from entering U.S. waters was the Zebra Mussel because it costs millions of dollars to unclog Electrical plants and their intake valves. Then, because this was an instant money making tool to monitor, prevent, and remove the mussels, unscrupulous politicians and wildlife officials began the point of introducing other species, such as the Rock pigeon, starlings, etc. This list has now expanded to other species whether there is or has ever been any environmental impact assessment conducted. Basically, if someone does not like a certain species, they can be labeled as “invasive” if enough people get behind the effort and billions of dollars are allocated to monitor, prevent and control these species. Point: If you look at the list of “invasive species” it has exponentially expanded since 1992 and now includes Cardinals, brown pelicans, etc., while starlings and rock pigeons are now de-listed because (according to wildlife officials), they cannot control their numbers even though millions of dollars have been spent to try and do so. In some instances, zebra mussels have been de-listed because wildlife officials are now having to admit that the zebra mussels have actually improved water quality in some of the most polluted waterways in the nation.

    In the 2014 book by Ken Thompson, Where Do Camels Belong, invasive species and the amount of money spent for a non-existent problem is addressed. Follow the money. Camels actually originated in Florida, but if a camel were returned to Florida, it would immediately be labeled as non-native and invasive.

    Look at the invasive species problem from the government’s perspective. There are billions of dollars that are appropriated for monitoring, prevention, control and removal of “invasive species”, so it is very profitable to find a species that supposedly doesn’t belong (even though scientific studies show that a native species can have more negative impact on the environment that a non-native species).

    The government (federal and state) spends billions of taxpayer dollars annually to control and remove invasive species with many more dollars spent on a marketing campaign alerting the public to the negative aspects of such species. The problem is that federal and state wildlife officials and programs are making money on the backside of this issue.

    Take for instance the boa constrictor and the Cane Toad problem in Florida. Boa constrictors, pythons and other such snakes as well as the Cane Toad are listed as an invasive species in Florida and of major concern to native wildlife. Millions of dollars are being spent to control these species. However, look on the back side. Which government entities allowed the introduction and ownership of these species? USDA, US Wildlife Services, Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Florida Fish & Wildlife offer permits (money incoming to the wildlife budget) for individuals to own boa constrictors and pythons. When the snakes get away from their owners and can’t be found, these same officials then fine (more money coming into the budget) these owners and try to find the species (money spent from federal and state wildlife budgets to control the species). Then, when a bigger problem results, state and federal wildlife officials can show that they used the initial “invasive species” money and need more money to further control the problem. If there had been no ownership or importation permits for ownership/pet trade, would there be a problem with these snake species? The Cane Toad was introduced to control insects in the Sugar Cane Industry of Florida. This species was allowed introduction by the USDA and Florida Dept. of Agriculture. Now, the Cane Toads are spreading, causing problems and the taxpayer is being asked to clean up the problem that could have been prevented from their “legal” introduction.

    Look at the issue in New York. Audubon and Cornell University back the labeling of Mute Swans as an invasive species. Remember (Audubon) is now a hunting and trapping organization). Cornell University receives millions of dollars for housing and maintaining the Invasive Species program. Yet, not one of these entities that are so concerned about Mute Swans will acknowledge that U.S. and state wildlife officials introduce hundreds of thousands of species that are listed as “invasive species” into the environment on a yearly basis.

    Hundreds of Chukar partridges and Asian Ring-necked pheasants are hatched in federal and state poultry farms, vaccinated against parasites and then released into the environment for hunting purposes. Scientific studies show that parasites are shed into the environment from the poultry raised birds even though vaccination has occurred. Furthermore, since the poultry raised birds are not vaccinated against other pathogens, they can and do pick up zoonotic diseases from the environment. Once released into the environment, these birds are then used for hunting permits.

    Finally, hundreds of thousands of European Brown Trout are raised in state and federal fish hatcheries throughout the U.S. Then, the fish are released into the environment. These fish are listed as one of the top 100 invasive species in the world because they use habitat from native salmon, trout and other fish species. European Brown Trout are vectors for “Whirling Disease” which can be detrimental to native fish. Yet, Whirling Disease is now found in New York and other areas that the European Brown Trout has been introduced for Trophy Fishing permits.

    Again, not one word from Cornell University of Audubon about the introduction of these “invasive, non-native species”. The reason:, both receive grants from state and federal government funding and would not dare buck multi-million dollar poultry, hunting, fishing, hatchery industries. So, as you can see, there is an unbelievable amount of taxpayer money funding the “invasive species” cash cow.

    US and state wildlife officials have lied from day one about the issue of Mute Swans being killed so that Trumpeter Swans could be used for hunting purposes. In 2014, US Wildlife Services issued a hunting permit to native Americans to hunt Trumpeter Swans for religious purposes. This, after taxpayers spent billions of dollars to kill Mute Swans and introduce Trumpeter Swans. Immediately, following this permit issuance, hunting organizations began asking biologists when the Trumpeter Swans numbers would be sufficient to open a general hunting season for Trumpeter Swans.

    Yet, the MBTA specifically states that no swan can be hunted except the Tundra Swan by indigenous people of Alaska. This portion of the MBTA was ratified by Clinton and other members of the Treaty in 1994. Since that time, no other ratification of the Treaty has ever occurred, so that means that if any Trumpeter or any other swan species is allowed to be hunted in the U.S., we are again in violation of the international Treaty.

    Finally, U.S. and state wildlife officials attend Flyway meetings held throughout the U.S. These public owned areas are used for hunting and fishing, with hunting the primary emphasis. At no time, is any private citizen allowed to attend these closed door meetings with hunting organizations such as Ducks Unlimited, Audubon and other hunting/trapping organizations. Decisions are made as to how many and what species can be hunted on an annual basis. Again, not one taxpayer is allowed to have any voice in these meetings. When asked the cost of their attendance, wildlife officials state that hunting/gun revenues help offset their expenditures. If you look on the Flyway websites, there is little information on who is maintaining the Flyways, the cost of maintenance, listing of any entities state or federal officials in attendance and when the meetings are conducted. A clear point that wildlife officials do not want the taxpayers to know what is being discussed at these meetings or have any input on the decisions made.

    Each time taxpayers have funded “endangered species reintroduction”, i.e., black bear, grizzly bear, Trumpeter Swans, etc., hunting has resulted to control “the exponential expansion of numbers by these species.” It is time to call out politicians and wildlife officials for their misfeasance of taxpayer dollars and misuse of wildlife habitat and species management. Any of the information in this response can be found through research and public records. And, this is how we feel about the false “invasive species” labeling of Mute Swans. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Pinioned Cygnets #19643
    Swan Expert

    Hi Andy:

    If you hatched the cygnets without the parents, the adult swans may not accept the cygnets and try to harm them.

    If the cygnets have been kept with the parents from the time of hatching, then their should be no problem with the parents accepting the cygnets. The cygnets should be kept with the parents from day one.

    Once all eggs are hatched, realistically, all cygnets can be released onto the pond after 24 hours from the last hatching. Within 24 hours of hatching, the mother swan will take the young cygnets onto the pond. This is the realistic timing. However, if you should have many predators, i.e., snapping turtles, egrets, herons, large mouth fish, owls, hawks, and other predators, you may want to keep the cygnets and the parents in a secure pen. Now, having said this, even though you are protecting the swans from predators, you may be increasing the possibility that the family could be susceptible to injuries and disease while penned. So, you have to weigh these factors, but the best may be to release them onto the pond and let nature takes its course. The cygnets must learn from their parents the basics of survival and how to be a swan. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Urgent advice papa swan hook in joint vet says PTS! #19640
    Swan Expert

    Hi Patricia:

    It was nice speaking with you. Glad we could help. Please let us know how the swan is recuperating. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Minimum for efficient mute swan hunting with 177 #18853
    Swan Expert

    Hi Jody

    This is hardly the forum to discuss swan hunting since we are about swan conservation.

    But, since you opened the question, we will answer. Regardless of the caliber used for hunting a swan, it is illegal.

    Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), the only swan that can be hunted is the Tundra Swan by Indigenous people of Alaska. Yes, there are people who may be allowed in various states to hunt swans, but that is because federal and state wildlife officials have lied to the American taxpayer and are violating the Treaty by saying the MBTA was reformed in 2004. Fact, the treaty was never ratified which means federal, state and any individual killing swans, especially Mute Swans are in violation of an international Treaty and can be held civilly liable by taxpayers. This point was brought up in NY in 2017 and the NY DEC and their agents were placed on notice about killing Mute Swans. You will be hearing more about this issue on a national basis in the near future. So, our best advice would be not to hunt any swan. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Swans senses #18837
    Swan Expert

    Hi Amber

    Generally, birds do not have a developed sense of smell such as that found in mammals. However, this is not to say that birds may not use pheremones as a way to identify the opposite sex or for mating purposes. However, birds do use sight as a powerful sensory identifier such as increased or change in coloring during mating season. We know this about swans as there has been research in waterbirds and their use of the uropygial oil gland to maintain healthy and waterproof feathers. Some researchers believe that the oil may enhance ultraviolet light to increase sight and recognition/identification of other flock/family members.

    As far as swans, we do know that hormone levels increase significantly during the breeding season as we worked with Univ. of Tennessee’s (Knoxville), Veterinary Medicine to conduct hormone research. How the swans determine this level in other swans such as their mate, we do not know at this time.

    We can only theorize that there may be some type of pheremone or other sign that the birds recognize. You might do research in pheremones in other species of birds (if it has been conducted) and make the correlation that Class Aves are known to use pheremones or other sensory identifiers and attribute this to swans in general if needed. If no such research is available in birds, then this could be stated as a great research opportunity in the future.

    Besides sight, hearing is also a very powerful sensory attribute of swans.

    We hope this information is of benefit. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Pinioned Cygnets #13866
    Swan Expert

    Hi Donna

    The parents will show no negative behavior toward pinioned cygnets. Because pinioning should be conducted at 1-3 weeks of age by a licensed veterinarian, the procedure should be completed in a timely manner so that the cygnets are returned to the parents within 1-2 hours. The longer the cygnets are separated from the parents, the greater probability for rejection by the parents. There are wo possible methods to prevent rejection by the parents. One is to take the female swan to the veterinarian’s facility with the cygnets so the young birds are within sight of the parent. Second, is to have the veterinarian come to your site and have the cygnets pinioned and immediately returned to the parents once the procedure is completed and no bleeding is observed. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Female black swan suspicious death #11872
    Swan Expert

    Hi Marie

    We are so sorry for your loss. There is a possibility that a change in coloration could be indicative of an illness, but abrasions and even chemicals/minerals in the water could cause discoloration in swan body parts. Without having a necropsy conducted, it would be difficult to determine if there was an infection present. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Swan Health #11870
    Swan Expert

    Hi Emily

    Good speaking with you last week. We hope that the information provided was of benefit. The Regal Swan

    in reply to: Swan Behavior #11868
    Swan Expert

    Hi Betty

    Yes, the behavior you are describing is normal swan behavior in cygnets that are now ready to mate and have no idea how to deal with the increase in sex hormones. We have seen mating behavior in cygnets as early as 1-2 years of age. Are all of of your swans clipped? Are there any predators in your lakes that a clipped swan cannot escape? If the answer is yes to question number one, then you might consider clipping and relocation to another area pond. However, if the answer to predators is yes and no escape, you need to consider which lake you can safely relocate because relocation can result in serious injury or death to the cygnets if they cannot fly and escape predators. Sex hormone levels should return to normal levels in a few weeks and the cygnets’ behavior will settle. The Regal Swan

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